Lecture Series: Dark-Enigma Painting: A Non-Ego Approach to Studio Practice with Josh Goldberg

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JANUARY 23 — February 13 2024
12.30 - 2 PM (EST)
Four sessions: Tuesdays, January 23, 30, February 6, 13
Online Workshop (All sessions will be held via Zoom)

Dark-Enigma Painting: A Non-Ego Approach to Studio Practice is a series of four weekly talks that explores the range and profundity, and the potential of adapting the Neo-Daoist philosophy of Dark-Enigma Learning to studio practice.

Students will be provided with an outline of each talk with concepts and terms that will make it easy to follow.

Students will learn how to apply these ideas in their student practice.

Besides an introduction each talk will focus on a concept: the creativity, spontaneity, doing non-doing.

Also included will be a selected reading list.

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About Josh Goldberg

Josh Goldberg was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended the Tyler School of Fine Arts, Michigan State University, California State University, UCLA, and the University of Arizona, to earn degrees in studio art, art history, and Japanese language and literature. In addition to experimenting with various techniques in art, he began a serious study of Chinese and Japanese art, Zen and Buddhism, which eventually took him to Japan on a fellowship.

Exhibitions of Josh’s works include large-scale, abstract paintings in acrylic and oils, oversized works on paper, large charcoal drawings, and prints. Josh Goldberg is also a poet, translator, essayist, and book critic. He has written a number of books such as A Beggar at the Door: Longer and Shorter Psalms, Eight Beggars: Concatenating Verses of Separation and Repair, and the latest A Thousand-and-One Nights & Twenty-Four Days.
You can see his work on his website: joshgoldbergart.com


“Josh is an extraordinary teacher. It is rare to find in the same person the creative talent of a painter united to the talent and necessary courage for teaching.”
- Former student

“A true Zen master.”
- Jose B.

“[Goldberg’s] giant paintings take art back to the basics: they are above all about color and texture and composition…Loyal abstractionist, Goldberg has tempered the austere beauty of his paint with a couple of rough found objects, a piece of tin, a square of black linoleum, a grainy rood shingle…”
- Tucson Weekly

“Seeing a Josh Goldberg painting is like listening to a major full-orchestra composition, everything from subtle transitions to dramatic shifts in rhythm coupled with intense feeling, brilliant illusion and finished in an elegant, powerful hand – a tour de force of modern Abstract Expressionism.”

- Mike Dominguez, Davis Dominguez Gallery